Sunday, August 31, 2008

Crazy for Krispy Kreme

I got off from work early last night. My friends Cel and Francis made me tag along to Krispy Kreme at the Jaka Building on Ayala Avenue. Cel's been craving like crazy for doughnuts! And we crazily took pictures, too!

That's Cel and Francis... looking good together!

And it's me ... with my signature "Japan" sign!

There were so many doughnut varieties to choose from! I came up with...

Chocolate-Iced Raspberry-Filled &
Blueberry Cheesecake
plus Diet Dr. Pepper!

I was just barely touching my 2nd doughnut when I suddenly felt dizzy ... a sign of sugar overload!

It's so unusual for me to have leftovers!

That was lethal! Good thing I had cups of water to flush out excess saccharine.

Poor me! :-(

Lesson learned: In Krispy Kreme, one doughnut is more than enough! :-P